Superfood stand out for their attributes and, especially, for the benefits they offer when consumed in their different presentations. This value proposition may be focused on the high nutrient content of a product or its antioxidant capacity, its contribution as a source of fiber or energy or, in general, to the properties that contribute to improving health and providing well-being to people.
Peru is one of the ten megadiverse countries in the world, which represents a great opportunity. Its geographical and microclimate diversity favors a great variety of superfoods to grow naturally and in abundance.
Growing superfood - like Quinoa and Kiwicha - is a heritage from thousands of years ago. Our farmers know nature, and are experts in planting and harvesting food. Native food plants number around 787 species, which are consumed in various forms (vegetables, starch, seeds, almonds, sap, latex, fruit, roots, tubers, bulbs, bark, flowers, and oil).
Of these 107 are domesticated and exclusively cultivated; 160 are used wild, but are also cultivated; and the rest are exclusively wild. Most of the plants used as food are Amazonian (70%)
Peru is a leading country in the protection of ancient traditions and ancestral knowledge. More than two million peasant families apply this knowledge related to the field and transmitted over several generations.
Thus, we have up to 4500 native species of known uses, and we are a leading country in the use of aromatic and medicinal plants and herbs.
The philosophical principle, apparently it was very simple, the sun, the moon, the stars and the natural resources, were part of his divinity for which they owed him respect and veneration for their use.
Techniques such as the construction of terraces or platforms allowed many pre-Hispanic populations to maximize the use of the soil and prevent its erosion. On the other hand, the ancient peoples of Peru built technologies for the conservation and movement of water such as aqueducts and irrigation canals.